Top 10k strings from Backup MF1 v1.0 (1990)(Trident Software).tzx
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4 PARAMETERS 3 rAIN MENU 3 BACKUP PROGRAM 2 SAVE FILES 2 RESET - are you sure? (Y/N 2 P (((((((( 2 LOAD FILES 2 HEADERLESS 2 FREE MEMORY: 2 FILE LIST FORMAT- 2 April 1990 Written by James Cox 2 ? /(((((/ ? 2 ** BACKUP PROGRAM ** 2 (c) Trident Software 2 (((((/ /((( 1 rSYMB-A :QUIT CAPS-7,6 :UP,DOWN 1 or ENTER to return 1 When you have loaded a number of files (programs, bytes, arrays etc.) into memoryyou may want to see a list of their names and respective lengths. To do this, selectFILES from the main menu. The screen will be cleared and a list of all files in memory displayed. If there are no files, amessage to that effect appears. From here, the various file editing functions are available. You can delete, re-arrange, rename or sort them into alphabetical order. Press a key to see a typical FILES screen 1 To move a file, first select it by pressing 1, highlight the destination and then press 2 to move it. Pressing D on a selected file deletes it from the list and from memory. 1 This is the main menu. It has 6 options LOAD, SAVE, FILES, CLEAR, RESET and PARAMETERS. All of these lead to other sub-menus. An option can be selected in one of two ways. 1 The LOAD menu contains a number of optionsfor loading from tape: ALL will read in all files until either the memory is filled or an error occurs. There are two types of error, tape error and operator abort. The latter occurs when you press BREAK and is just a way to stop the loading process. 1 Selecting SAVE from the main menu will bring up this menu. It is a feature uniqueto the Multiface version; on the standard version it will save ALL files to tape. However, here you have the choice between saving all, just some and whether or not to delete files from memory as soon as they are saved. 1 STORED IN MEMORY AT 1 STATUS: DE 1 START LINE: [ 1 SPACE to abort sav 1 RESET brings up a sub-menu asking you to confirm a system reset. If you answer Y then the program is cleared from memory and control returned to Sinclair BASIC. 1 Pressing 'E' for EDIT will bring a cursor over the first file. Cursor keys 6 and 7 will move it, pressing 1 will mark the filename. The marker is currently on the top file shown by '>' 1 Press K to keep file, 1 PPRESS A KEY 1 PAUSE LENGTH:100 1 PAUSE LENGTH: 1 PARAMETERS allows you to change the program's 'enviroment' to suit you. The BORDER colour can be changed; PAUSE is thewait in between saving the header and mainblock of code; TYPE, START and LENGTH control whether the parameters are displayed in the FILES menu and upon loading/saving files. 1 No. of files to save 1 NO FILES PRESEN 1 NEXT will load just one file and then return to the main menu. CONFIRM will readin the file header, then ask you if you want to load the file. If you answer N then it will scan for the next file. 1 MEMORY LEFT 1 MAIN/SAVE/SELECT: 1 LOADING ERROR: 1 LOADING ABORTE 1 LOAD THIS FILE 1 LOAD ADDRESS:[ 1 LKJHPOIUY0987612345QWERTASDFG 1 If there are too many filenames to fit on the screen then they will scroll upwards if you move the cursor to the bottom. In the multiface version you can have up to 100 files in memory. 1 INSTR_MF1 1 HEADERLESS will read in a block of code without the normal header (which contains information on the title etc.) Some programs are saved without the header as ameans of protection or to save tape space and if so you should select this option. Headerless files will automatically be saved as such, see the SAVE option. 1 HEADER ERRO 1 Firstly, by moving the highlighted cursor using the cursor keys 6 and 7 and ENTER. Alternatively, pressing the first letter of the option you want to select i.e 'R' for RESET menu. 1 FREE MEMORY:42240 1 FILETYPE:[ 1 FILES SELECTED: 1 FILES SAVED: 1 FILES LOADED: 1 FILES IN MEMORY: 1 FILENAME:[ 1 FILE TOO BIG 1 FILE NUMBER 1 ENTER - return to files menu 1 END OF DEMONSTRATION To re-read key 1 or key 0 to reset computer. Any comments on this program would be welcomed; suggestions for improvements, or any bugs you may find. Please write to:- Trident Software, 3 Bastwell House, Blackburn, Lancashire BB1 9TY. 1 Device not present. 1 DIRECTORY SPACE FUL 1 DELETE FILES is a switch to automatically remove the files from memory as soon as they have been saved. Its default is OFF (x). 1 DELETE FILES [x] 1 DELETE FILES [!] 1 Choosing SELECTED from this menu will bring up a prompt asking the number to be saved, starting from the first in the list(see FILES). If, at any point during the SAVE operation, BREAK is pressed then the process will be aborted and return to the main menu. 1 C_ICHARSET 1 C_I2_TEXT 1 C_I2_CODE 1 CLEAR effectively restarts the program from the beginning, clearing memory and redisplaying the initial copyright message. 1 Backup Program is a utility that helps yousort out and catalogue your programs on tape. It loads as many files into memory as possible and then allows you to view them, alter the headers, and sort them into the required order before re-saving to another tape. Described here is the Enhanced Version which makes use of the extra 8k provided by the Multiface and Multiprint devices. If you don't have one of these then you will have to use the Standard Version which is on the other side of this tape. 1 BACK_CODE 1 BACKUP_MF 1 BACKUP PROGRAM INSTRUCTIONS 1 BACKUP PROGRAM (c)Copyright James Cox 1990 Published by Trident Software... 1 As most of the screen is occupied with thelist of files, the menu has been redrawn on a single line, in this form options canonly be selected by pressing the first letter of each option (highlighted). 1 >myprog PROGRAM(00010,00123) BACKUP_P PROGRAM(00002,00657) SCREEN CODE (16384,06912) CODE1 CODE (24576,03090) CODE2 CODE (60000,05535) 1 ====== ======= 1 ;"Select Option 1, 2 or 3 : 1 90T0\080j0x0 1 6BORDER COLOUR:0 1 6BORDER COLOUR: 1 1FILENAME: 1 (c) Trident Software 1990 1 ''''"1 -- Multiface 1 or standard 128"''"2 -- Multiface 128 / Disciple +D"''"3 -- Multiprint Interface" 1 '" LOADING INSTRUCTIONS (MF1 Ver)" 1 TYPE: [ ] 1 TYPE: [ 1 START: [ ] 1 START: [ 1 SORT ABORTED 1 LENGTH: [ ] 1 LENGTH: [ 1 (Enhanced Ver) ": 1 MF1 ver 1.0 1 1